HyOTechnologies - HyO Technologies

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Soil Health
Soil Health

The Hydrogen Era in agriculture includes what is above ground, but also what’s in the soil. Plant roots show 2/3/4/5x in size in our tests, suggesting bacteria, enzymes, fungi, worms and more around the roots’ rhizosphere are potentially enhanced with plentiful hydrogen and oxygen, as well. HyO water delivers these KEY macro essentials – ON DEMAND!
We believe HyO stimulates the biogeochemical processes in soil. We believe HyO drives redox and promotes homeostasis in our environment/ecosystem, down to the cellular level in the food web. HyO breaks the water hardness ions of Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Sulphate, Ferus, Manganese and Colloidal Silica which are dissolved in the water and keeps them dis-integrated and converts from divalent ions to monovalent ions.
See Test Results here:

Agriculture is the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products.

The results seen above ground, as well as below, are abundantly clear, as seen in academic journals, in labs and in-field trials.

What does academia say about hydrogen and oxygen in the soil?
See these important Links:

How Hydrogen Rich Water Affects Life in the Soil
Hydrogen Driven Agriculture Production And Soil Improvement
Desertification and Soil Rehab

One of our soil experts’ states: “HyO is bringing the soil back to the state of Eden!”
We believe the successful ‘circle of life’ in agriculture begins and ends with healthy soil.

HyO is driving larger root systems (2/3/4/5x), leading to larger, healthier growth above ground. Livestock drinking HyO water is showing amazing results. Seeds soaked in HyO water are showing amazing results. Preserving crops in HyO water is amazing, too.

HyO Technologies, as stated on our homepage, believes we can bring all Agricultural practices to a new realm - one of plenty!
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