HyOTechnologies - HyO Technologies

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Livestock +
Designed for livestock, poultry and fish in commercial farming operations, the health benefits for this application are staggering, as seen in the 100’s of scientific studies done on humans and animals, alike. We took things a step further, to see what growth benefits could be possible. The results were simply amazing.

Chicken Farm Grower testimony

“We are using HyO water in our roaster chicken grows. We connected the system to our water feed lines. The typical death rate normally seen with the chicks were dramatically reduced vs the control chicks without HyO water. At harvest the chickens using HyO water grew to be on average 1 pound heavier, and less seed was used for food. Other growers at the weigh-in were asking why our chickens were so much heavier than theirs. Hyo water makes our roaster chicken operations much more profitable. We firmly believe every chicken farm in the world will incorporate HyO water once the word gets out.”

A variety of fish tested showed much the same as the chicken tests. They all grew faster to full size, very healthy, with a mortality rate at or near zero.

We look forward to announcing more test results as they become available.
Other results on improved growth, as well all the health benefits of using HyO water for ALL livestock (pets, too!), poultry and fish are available here: See the Studies                                                  
How HyO Works


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